8 Ways to Make Readers Feel Important in Your Newsletter

Let’s face it: whether in business or in our daily lives, everything boils down to connecting with others and fostering healthy relationships. Digital marketing is not exempt from this rule, since none of your readers want to feel like mere leads. 

Businesses must find ways to engage their audiences beyond the superficial connections offered by technologies such as social media. But, in a world where online relationships can be boiled down to likes and follows, how can we make sure that readers truly enjoy and care about our content?

One way to drive that connection is a newsletter. Newsletters give businesses a direct channel to share their ideas and unique insights. But sending out updates here and there simply isn’t enough.

The aim is to foster a real relationship with your target audience, to engage with them, and to give them a sense of importance. If you’re a business owner looking to use newsletters as a tool to connect with your audience, you’re in the right place. We will cover eight methods that’ll make your readers feel special and respected.

1. Put yourself in your readers’ shoes

The key to building enduring relationships with readers is to see things from their perspective.


A change in perspective is sometimes a challenge – but it’s always rewarding.

Put yourself in your reader’s shoes. Would you like to receive a newsletter that feels impersonal and lacks any regard for your time and interests? Probably not. It would make you feel like a statistic, like a generic number in a database. 

To create newsletters that truly resonate with your audience, think about your readers’ wants, needs, characters, and interests. You should show them that you understand and relate to them. Once you grasp their mindset, you’ll be able to create impactful newsletters that your audience looks forward to reading. 

Tips on how writing in a way that resonates with your audience


Always personalize your newsletters. Simple things like using tags to insert a reader’s name into the newsletter, curating personalized content based on past user behavior, and conducting user surveys can make a world of difference. Try to tailor a unique experience for your readers based on their experiences and expectations. This will allow you to cater to their specific needs and keep them coming back for more.

Stay relevant

Being considerate of your readers’ time is also important. Don’t waste it by sending them irrelevant or unrequited information. Curate your content. Give them reading material that will serve to improve their lives.

Build a community

Make the newsletter audience feel like a part of the community. Give them the special treatment by offering exclusive information or promotions. Beyond that, provide the space – like a forum or comments sections of blogs – where they can engage with other users. Respond to their comments when you have the time. 

It will all make them feel at home within your community and strengthen the loyalty they feel towards your brand.

Remember that they signed up for your newsletter for their own benefit, not yours. It’s easier to get them on your mailing list than to convince them to stay onboard. So how do you keep readers from hitting that “unsubscribe” button?

2. Give your reader a reason to keep reading

Once you’ve persuaded a reader to sign up for your newsletter, the real struggle begins. Your focus becomes: What’s in it for them? If they don’t recognize the benefit of your emails, they will unsubscribe without a second thought.

So what should be done to keep readers hooked on your newsletter? 


It’s a short trip from your email to her Instagram. So how can you keep readers invested?

Just this: Write a newsletter that adds value to your readers’ lives. 

Here’s how to do that:

  • Send out the content they need: Consistently deliver content that is useful, relevant, and engaging. Try to incorporate information that they can’t obtain from other sources, such as exclusive materials and insider news relevant to your industry. Make sure that your newsletter addresses their pain points and offers insightful solutions. Collecting their feedback is also extremely important, but we will cover that later.
  • Give them subscriber-only benefits: We all love a good perk. Let’s be honest, most of us sign up for newsletters for the freebies. So don’t hesitate to give your readers something a little extra, such as exclusive content, bonus material, access to educational resources, or promo/discount codes.
  • Produce visually compelling material: This may not seem significant, but in reality, it’s one of the most important details to consider. Most readers will be turned off by boring or visually unappealing content. Improve the overall aesthetics and readability of the material. Break up large chunks of text to make them less intimidating. Incorporate colors, images and bullet points. The fresher your newsletter looks, the more enjoyable it will be to read. Don’t, for the love of God, overcrowd it.
  • Foster a “friendship” through conversation with your readers: This is where personalization and building a community come to the fore, but there are other ways you could strengthen your relationship with readers. Imagine how wonderful it would be if readers got excited when they received your newsletters? Maintain a friendly tone. Describe personal experiences on relevant pain points. Being relatable and funny humanizes you and builds loyalty among your readers.

3. Show your readers you’re listening

Actively showing attention to the needs of your readers is a great way to build trust and loyalty. Your readers’ needs and expectations may change, and keeping the lines of communication open will be crucial to stay topical in your newsletters. 

So, ask for feedback. While asking for feedback is a great way to continually develop your newsletter, it also pulls on the heartstrings of your audience by showing them that you actually care about their opinions.

You could conduct surveys, invite audiences to reach out to you through social media or email  you with questions, comments, and so on.

4. Express gratitude

Why not take it a step further by showing gratitude for their engagement? Whether they’re offering compliments or constructive criticisms, make sure you show appreciation. Reply to emails, messages, comments; leave likes and thank you’s.

Basically, let them know there’s a person on the other side of the screen. 

A great way to express your gratitude is by giving back. You could work on a reward system for readers based on the time they’ve stayed subscribed. If a reader hits a milestone, send them a genuine and personalized thank-you message. You could also add some freebies in there like downloadables, exclusive content, or early access material. Consider incorporating special deals or discounts if you are selling a product or service through your blog.

It’s the little things that win us over, you know?

5. Make some space for readers

Featuring reader stories or comments is a great way to let someone else praise your brand and make users feel special at the same time. Giving your readers the space to express themselves is a fantastic way to put them front and center. For example, if you’re selling a product or service, why not feature some user testimonials? Just make sure you ask for permission first. 


It’s time to put the reader in focus.

Another option is inviting your audience to contribute with user-generated content (a.k.a. UGC), content created for a brand by its customers. Businesses that use UGC rake in 29% higher conversions than those that don’t. An example of UGC is offering giveaways on social media in return for shares/reposts with custom answers. Research successful user-generated content campaigns for ideas.

6. Tell your readers what to do

Incorporate calls to action (CTAs) into your newsletters. Not only do CTAs give a clear direction to readers, but they also have a positive impact on your relationships with them. 

CTAs are clear and attractive prompts that encourage users to take a specific action, like to visit a website, make a purchase, download a PDF ebook, or take a survey. 

Keep in mind, however, that the request itself is just as important as how you deliver it.

The key is to use compelling wording. Using actionable verbs that create a sense of urgency or FOMO is effective, but if you want to seem likable to your audience, consider taking a different route. Try to use witty lines or a little bit of humor to feel relatable and not generic. Let your audience see your personality.

7. Allow your readers to get to know you

In the end, readers can find any information they want on Google. To build the bond that will keep them on your mailing list regardless, you need to be present and relatable. Show them that there’s a person behind the email. Show them that your brand has a personality, and it’s a personality they’ll like.

Don’t shy away from sharing personal experiences and stories that could be insightful and familiar to your readers. Humor, authenticity, and personal background help humanize your brand.

8. When you don’t have the time, consider hiring writers

When a newsletter is consistent and consistently well-written, it can do wonders for your business. But planning out a weekly newsletter can be time-consuming for business owners and difficult for unseasoned writers.

That’s when you bring in professionals with lots of experience who love to write! At Writer & Co., our fully-managed content writing team of dedicated writer, semi-dedicated editor, and project lead put their heads together to craft fun, informative, and actionable newsletters that speak in your brand’s voice and engage with your audience.

To Wrap Things Up

Making your readers feel special is the key to subscriber retention. People are more likely to stay committed and look forward to your emails when they feel valued. And really, that’s true for every relationship! So, if you’re ready to build an authentic connection with your audience through meaningful newsletters that add value, book a call and allow us to be part of your company’s growth.


Written by Ipek Ozener

Born in Ankara. Based in Istanbul. Studied fashion design and currently enjoys working as a content writer. Loves traveling and attending music festivals.

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